Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Happy January 23!

On Sunday, I preached about how Christians should actualize being Resident Aliens, as was the theme for our Disciple Now this weekend. The focus of the sermon was based on our fulfiling the Great Commision by loving others according to 1 Cor. 13, loving everyone, that is. As I trudged through my day yesterday, I went to a computer lab to check my e-mail before class. After a while, a girl came in and sat next to me. Her name was Holly, I found out, but only after she slipped my a Hershey Kiss and wished my a "Happy January 23!" She was ginuinely happy and wanted to share it with others. In the middle of a gloomy day, one encounter changed by perspective on when we should share love with others - the answer: all the time! She reminded me what is was to be giving and curteous and not self-centered, even when I'm having a bad day. She reminded me that maybe I should practice what I preach.

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