Monday, June 12, 2006


Any one know any cures for insomnia?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really do have insomnia but don't mind. I get by on less than 6 hours of sleep usually and enjoy reading, computer chess, blogging, surfing or playing my guitar.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tylenol...and not sleeping in...also try reading a book...doing many activities throughout the fact come back to camp, youd be so tired youd sleep 12 hrs!

cruz-control said...

Yes, Tony - that's what I need - demon children to care for 9 hours a day. True it will make me sleep, but I don't really want to die right now.

I actually haven't been "sleeping in." I just can't sleep more than about 2 hours a night; it's kinda creepy for me. I did do the Benadryl thing, but not to sleep, but because of allergies - BUT I SLEPT nonetheless. But I don't want to do this on a regular basis.

I think I'll try watching Joel Osteen - that might cure me. If not, I'll just take TUNZ's suggestion and play my geetar in the wee hours of the morning.